Join us for an open house to find out what the Monarch Butterflies are doing. Stop in to see the progress of their springtime migration, observe the emergence of their favorite food, Milkweed, and find out if our Monarchs made… Continue Reading Monarch Return Celebration 10:30
"Spies in Disguise" movie: When the world's best spy is turned into a pigeon, he must rely on his nerdy tech officer to save the world. With Will Smith and Tom Holland. 1:42
Cornell Cooperative Extension is hosting a compost education class. Adam Michaelides and trainees teach the class and provide hands-on experience. A short walk to a nearby garden will give a practical application. This will be in the Pavillion behind the… Continue Reading Master Composting Class 6:30
Discover the magic and beauty of photography! Real-life, hands-on examples of old photographs, some more than 100 years old, plus modern photography techniques. All ages.