What do you like to do? Based on recent survey results, many community members wish there was more to do here. We want more events, programs, recreation, entertainment. Let's meet up to share our thoughts and ideas about what we… Continue Reading Community Conversation 6:30
Everyone is invited to this family-friendly community event! Sign up for Tails and Tales, our summer reading program and pick up your welcome kit. Crafts, storytime, adopt-a-pet (stuffed!) are just a few of the things we have planned. Meet our… Continue Reading Summer Reading Kick Off
Our Summer Reading program continues with a visit from children's author David Kirk. He will be reading from Little Miss Spider, Oh So Brave Dragon, and My Hugging Rules. Attendees will receive a free copy of My Hugging Rules. This… Continue Reading Author Visit: David Kirk 6:30
Bring your chairs and watch the movie stars under the stars behind the Masonic Temple on Main Street. If it rains we move the fun inside at the library. July 9 Hoot July 23 Wonder Aug 13 Raya and the… Continue Reading Movie Night 8:30
Like to eat? Like to cook? Then this camp is for you! Open to teens and tweens this camp runs on Mondays at 1 pm from July 12 thru August 16. Please sign up by July 2.
2021 Newfield Music Series at Mill Park Wednesdays at 6 pm July 14 Toivo July 28 Kitestring August 11 Janet Batch August 25 Erin and the Backwoods Blues Project
Like to eat? Like to cook? Then this camp is for you! Open to teens and tweens this camp runs on Mondays at 1 pm from July 12 thru August 16. Please sign up by July 2.
Circus Culture comes to town for this fun workshop where we make our own hoops and learn some hooping moves and circus stories. Family friendly, all ages welcome. Registration is required as space is limited.
Bring your chairs and watch the movie stars under the stars behind the Masonic Temple on Main Street. If it rains we move the fun inside at the library. July 9 Hoot (Sciencenter event is July 21) July 23 Wonder… Continue Reading Movie Night 8:30
Like to eat? Like to cook? Then this camp is for you! Open to teens and tweens this camp runs on Mondays at 1 pm from July 12 thru August 16. Please sign up by July 2.
2021 Newfield Music Series at Mill Park Wednesdays at 6 pm July 14 Toivo July 28 Kitestring August 11 Janet Batch August 25 Erin and the Backwoods Blues Project