Mission: The Newfield Public Library will provide a comprehensive collection of materials and services to meet the informational and recreational needs of a growing, changing community.

Our History: The library has been serving the community since 1894. It received its permanent charter from the state in 1900. It is currently housed in the former Grange building, which was donated to the library in 1970. The previous library building was destroyed in the 1969 fire. The library underwent a major expansion and renovation in the 1990s. The library has since grown in the number of patrons served, services offered, and hours open.


  • Sue Chaffee, Library Director
  • Helen Chaffee, Library Assistant
  • Vicki Cody, Library Assistant
  • Jonathan Long, Library Assistant
  • Debbie DeMattia, Library Assistant
  • Allison DeSario, Program Coordinator
  • Luke Landphair, Library Assistant