Did you know that you can enjoy our collection even when we’re closed? Use your library card to access our digital library and borrow ebooks, audiobooks, movies, and more on your devices. Here’s a quick tour:
Looking for kids books? Check out our TumbleBooks Library with its huge selection of storybooks, read-alongs, graphic novels, videos, puzzles, games, and more. No library card is needed.
OverDrive and Libby

- Overdrive is our main platform for borrowing ebooks and audiobooks. All of the titles are paid for collectively by the 33 member libraries in the Finger Lakes Library System. The user experience is similar to borrowing physical books where you may have to put an item on hold and wait for it to become available. This is especially true for new releases.
- There are two ways to enjoy ebooks and audiobooks from OverDrive: the Libby app, or the Sora app if you are a Newfield Central School student. For most patrons we recommend using Libby. Libby is available from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store for smartphones and tablets or via your web browser at https://libbyapp.com/welcome.
- Ebooks can be sent to your Kindle or Kindle reading app. Learn how.
- Need help? Visit our full Libby Help site.
The “classic” Overdrive app is no longer available to download as of 2/23/22 and will no longer be supported in early 2023.

As of December 1, 2020 registered Newfield Library patrons can use Hoopla to instantly borrow ebooks, audiobooks, movies, and more. This temporary subscription was made possible by a grant from the Tompkins County Friends of the Library to supplement our physical and Overdrive collection to give our patrons more options.
The library pays Hoopla a fee for each item borrowed whether you read/watch/listen to it so please be mindful of that. For ebooks and audiobooks, please check Overdrive first. Hoopla is available from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store for smartphones and tablets or via your web browser at https://www.hoopladigital.com/Movies and TV series can be watched on your TV using a streaming devices.
Need help? https://www.hoopladigital.com/help