Thursday, Sep 26 at 6:30 pm

Perry Ground is a Turtle Clan member of the Onondaga Nation of the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Confederacy.  Perry has been a storyteller and educator for over 25 years and enjoys working with people of all ages to teach about the history & culture of Native Peoples. His presentations are lively, engaging, inclusive and filled with cultural and historical information that audiences young and old will enjoy.

The arrival of European settlers changed Haudenosaunee lifestyles tremendously with the introduction of new material goods, animals, and ideas. How the Haudenosaunee adapted to this changing environment is the focus of this presentation. Trade for Beaver pelts between Native people & European settlers, and how this built relationships, will be highlighted.  Topics such as early explorers, introduction of new goods, reservations and lifestyles today will be discussed and illustrated with artifacts and replica materials made by Native Peoples. This presentation connects the history of the Haudenosaunee to many of the traditions still practiced today.

Made possible in part with funds from the New York State Council on the Arts and Tompkins County, administered by the Community Arts Partnership.

Changes to the Longhouse by Perry Ground September 26